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Gromov-Witten Invariants of Non-Convex Complete Intersections in Weighted Projective Stacks (with Nawaz Sultani and Yang Zhou) | arXiv |  |
Structure results for torus fixed loci (with Jarod Alper) | arXiv submitted |  |
Universal equations for higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants from Hodge integrals (with Xin Wang) | arXiv DOI in "Communications in Mathematical Physics", Volume 405, article number 47, (2024) |  |
Gromov-Witten invariants with naive tangency conditions (with Tony Yue Yu) | arXiv submitted |  |
Punctured Logarithmic R-maps (with Qile Chen and Yongbin Ruan) | arXiv submitted |  |
A comparison of group testing architectures for COVID-19 testing (with Joshua Batson, Yaim Cooper, Nathaniel Bottman) | arXiv |  |
Virtual cycles of stable (quasi-)maps with fields (with Qile Chen and Rachel Webb) | arXiv DOI in "Advances in Math" Volume 385, 16 July 2021, Art. No. 107781, 49pp |  |
The logarithmic gauged linear sigma model (with Qile Chen and Yongbin Ruan) | arXiv DOI in "Inventiones mathematicae", 225(3), 1077-1154, 2022 |  |
Structure of Higher Genus Gromov-Witten invariants of Quintic 3-folds (with Shuai Guo and Yongbin Ruan) | arXiv |  |
Double ramification cycles with target varieties (with Rahul Pandharipande, Aaron Pixton and Dimitri Zvonkine) | arXiv DOI in "Topology" Volume 13 Issue 4, December 2020, Pages 1725--1766 |  |
Towards Logarithmic GLSM: The $r$-spin case (with Qile Chen, Yongbin Ruan and Adrien Sauvaget) | arXiv DOI in "Geometry and Topology" Issue 26-7, 2022, Pages 2855--2939 |  |
A mirror theorem for genus two Gromov-Witten invariants of quintic threefolds (with Shuai Guo and Yongbin Ruan) | arXiv |  |
Higher-genus wall-crossing in the gauged linear sigma model (with Emily Clader and Yongbin Ruan) | arXiv DOI in "Duke Mathematical Journal" 170 (4), 697-773, (15 March 2021) |  |
Topological recursion relations from Pixton's formula (with Emily Clader, Xin Wang and Dmitry Zakharov) | arXiv DOI in "Michigan Math Journal" 73 (2023), 227-241 |  |
Higher-genus quasimap wall-crossing via localization (with Emily Clader and Yongbin Ruan) | arXiv DOI in "Algebraic Geometry" (Foundation Compositio Mathematica) 11 (5) (2024) 712--736 |  |
Appendix: Holomorphic differentials (with Rahul Pandharipande, Aaron Pixton and Dimitri Zvonkine) | arXiv DOI in "Tautological relations via r-spin structures" by Rahul Pandharipande, Aaron Pixton and Dimitri Zvonkine in "Journal of Algebraic Geometry" 28 (2019), 439--496 |  |
Powers of the theta divisor and relations in the tautological ring (with Emily Clader, Samuel Grushevsky and Dmitry Zakharov) | arXiv DOI in "International Mathematics Research Notices" Volume 2018 Issue 24, 12 December 2018, Pages 7725--7754 |  |
Double ramification cycles on the moduli space of curves (with Rahul Pandharipande, Aaron Pixton and Dimitri Zvonkine) | arXiv DOI in "Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS" 125 (2017), 221--266 |  |
Pixton's double ramification cycle relations (with Emily Clader) | arXiv DOI in "Geometry and Topology" 22-2 (2018), 1069--1108 |  |
Relations on $\overline M_{g,n}$ via equivariant Gromov-Witten theory of $\mathbb P^1$ | arXiv DOI in "Algebraic Geometry" (Foundation Compositio Mathematica) Volume 4, Issue 3 (May 2017), 311--336 |  |
Appendix: The weighted fundamental class of $\widetilde{\mathcal H}_g(\mu)$ (with Rahul Pandharipande, Aaron Pixton and Dimitri Zvonkine) | arXiv DOI in "The moduli space of twisted canonical divisors" by Gavril Farkas and Rahul Pandharipande in "Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu" Volume 17, Issue 3 (June 2019), 615--672 |  |
Frobenius Manifolds near the Discriminant and Relations in the Tautological Ring | arXiv DOI part of PhD thesis, in "Letters in Mathematical Physics" 108 (2018), no 7, 1649--1675 |  |
The hypergeometric functions of the Faber-Zagier and Pixton relations (with Alexandr Buryak and Rahul Pandharipande) | arXiv DOI in Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly Volume 11 (2015), Number 4 (Special volume dedicated to Prof. Eduard Looijenga), 591--631 |  |
Comparing tautological relations from the equivariant Gromov-Witten theory of projective spaces and spin structures | arXiv part of PhD thesis |  |
Gromov-Witten theory of target curves and the tautological ring | arXiv DOI in Michigan Mathematical Journal, Volume 66, Issue 4 (2017), (683--698) |  |
Tautological relations in moduli spaces of weighted pointed curves | arXiv part of PhD thesis |  |
Socle pairings on tautological rings (with Aaron Pixton) | arXiv DOI in Epijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Volume 3 (2019), Article no. 4 |  |
Gaussian rational points on a singular cubic surface (with Ulrich Derenthal) | arXiv DOI in "Torsors, étale homotopy and applications to rational points", LMS Lecture Notes 405, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013, pp. 210-231 |  |