

Fall 2024: MATH 417: Abstract Algebra
Fall 2023: MATH 347: Fundamental Mathematics

At Notre Dame

Fall 2022: Math 60710: Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
Fall 2022: Math 10550: Calculus I
Fall 2021: Math 80210: Topics in Algebra: Moduli of Curves
Winter 2021: Math 20985: The Math of COVID-19
Spring 2021: Math 10560: Calculus II
Fall 2020: Math 60710: Introduction to Algebraic Geometry

At Michigan

Fall 2018: Math 115: Calculus I
Fall 2017: Math 217: Linear Algebra
Winter 2017: Math 590: Introduction to Topology
Fall 2016: Math 417: Matrix Algebra


Graduate students

Nawaz Sultani (2019-2022), now postdoc at Academia Sinica, Taipei
Ruoxi Li (2023-)